Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Down Under Broadway

The Broadway Bridge is one of the main crossings of the Missouri River between downtown Kansas City and the areas north of the city.

Around and under the bridge is one of the old industrial areas of KC. It is a collection of brick and steel, grime and graffiti. Gentrification is trying to creep in, but the nature of railways, bridges and the river will likely keep the rough and rusty feeling the same for a long time.

I made a trip at sunset to scout vantage points for the bridge. The sky was nondescript, so better images of the bridge are likely yet to come, but some of the other objects and views made interesting images.

Under Broadway



All images were taken with a Nikon D7000 & 18-105mm lens. PP with ACR and CS5. To see more images follow this link

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A White Christmas in Southern Illinois

We are spending Christmas with family in Southern Illinois where a White Christmas doesn't happen often

Christmas Eve brought 4" of snow, and today (the 26th) the skies cleared allowing for some great winter skies.

Image taken with Nikon D7000, 35-70mm f/2.8. PP with ACR & CS5

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Christmas !